Dec 07, 2009 21:30
Ended up leaving practice early today because I felt TOO SICK. I feel like such a loser when I miss practice. I hate it. I also missed class today, and have an extension on my paper that was supposed to be due tomorrow for today's class.
I just have a headache, very slight sore throat, and stomach cramps, but I can't think straight.
The hearing for my next-door neighbour was...interesting.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned her on here, but she is certifiably bat-shit insane. She comes home in the middle of the night and shouts profanities, leaves her door open while cooking things and listening to music and yelling at her cat/people on the phone/no one in particular. After I looked after her cat (and she took advantage by staying away a week longer than expected), she started sending me text messages constantly, asking me to look in on her cat. She also became convinced that my cat peed in her apartment (she would frequently come over to my apartment and ask me to let my cat out to "play" with her cat) and that had made her cat pee in her apartment, and then started sending me harassing text messages. She also just has a tendency to scream, throw and break things, and pound on the wall. So, someone else complained about her, and other people have called the cops on her, but I ended up getting pulled into this when I was talking to my landlord about something completely unrelated and mentioned her and he said that he thought things had quieted down...
...uh, no.
I ended up keeping track of her major outbursts of craziness (e.g., screaming into the hallway at 2 a.m., "FUCK YOU! Why don't you file a noise complaint, you stupid bitches?"), and sending it to my landlord, and he asked me and the neighbours on the opposite side to attend the hearing.
The other neighbours couldn't make it, since the hearing was in the middle of the day, but Jon and I ended up going, seeing as we didn't want her to end up staying around just because witnesses didn't show up. Uncomfortably, it turned out that we left our apartments at the same time, were in the subway at the same time, and entered the Landlord and Tenant Board at the same time. I think she was probably having a minor shitfit at that point, since I imagine she didn't anticipate I would be there.
When we got there, we met the lawyer who as there representing our building's interests (which, we learned from Franklin, my landlord, was GET HER OUT), and heard the bad news that there was no legal counsel at the board that day (apparently there usually is), meaning there was no one available to advise Crazyface and the hearing would probably be adjourned. It was, but first they managed some mediation (after explaining to her three different ways what mediation is, and leaving her to get an explanation from someone over the phone). The mediation took three hours, which Jon and I spent sitting in the waiting room.
Turns out she's an alcoholic (and a personal trainer?). I'm pretty sure she's got some other addiction issue, but I'll go with alcoholism, sure. There was also some other that no one was at liberty to disclose to me.
I think they did eventually go to a hearing because they moved to a hearing room, but she managed to have it adjourned a half-hour in because she wants to stay "with terms" (i.e., on good behaviour) and the landlord won't have it. So we're back again in January.
The positive that came out of this is that the case can be expedited if she does anything crazy before then. She's been ringing my buzzer in the middle of the night (does she really think I don't know it's her), so I don't imagine she can keep from doing anything outright balls-out nuts for much longer.