Nov 04, 2009 20:08
Ode To Breastessess
By: Keshia Flores
You carry a gift.
A gift so beautiful.
A gift so full and filled with love.
A miiind blowing plumpness of outrageous seduction.
A seduction so deep, the plumit is murderous.
..Ohhhh but what a sweet death any could imagine.
You see,
as my wondering eyes catch a glimps of this juicy beauty,
my mind is plagued with unstoppable thoughts.
...2 pigs in a blanket...
...A mouth watering ham cut in 2...
...2 perfectly rounded honey dews perched so precise and exact.
And how sweet that honey dew is...
It's true.
A gift from God you bear.
A poem for you my miss.
Ode to breastessess.
YES! Im very proud of this poem. And YES! i did make it up myself :)