Typing mode

Oct 16, 2010 16:23

I'm always in the mood to update my journals during times when I should have my eyes glued my notebook.

...Except I have nothing exciting to talk about.

Classes have been good.
Work has been dandy.
My tea is delicious.
My desk is fucking clean.

This week was a blur. The weather is a bitch as usual, fluctuating from 80 degrees to 60 degrees. I've decided that I do not enjoy my biology lab as much as I did with my chemistry labs, even though this is way more related to my field. Too much waiting in involved with running columns, or centrifuging. Our entire sink smells like lead and MEAT JUICE, mmmmm delicious~ (not really) I don't think I can look at a pork chop without being reminded of our meat slush anymore. Yumyumonnonomnom.

I'm highly worried if I decide that medicine is not the right road for me in the near future. What the hell am I suppose to do with a biology major? Research is evidently not my thing. Maybe I should just go get more degrees and go to school for the rest of my life and be a real life achievement hunter/ waste money.

On a side note, my google chrome has been clearing its histories since this morning. It's 4pm now. I think it's probably confused.
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