Apr 20, 2003 16:09
The best part about the tournament, Susan decided as she wandered the large grassy field where the events took place under a sunny sky, was the colors. Cheerful pennants hung from every corner, and the tent-tops had been painted gaily as well. Everything snapped brightly in the breeze and was accompanied by the crisp sounds of jingling metal, trotting hooves, and the jovial shouts of the men.
She ambled with little aim over the area, letting her eyes rest on whatever caught them. She caught sight of Peter once, and waved to him. He carried her token of favor, so she wore Cair Paravel colors. She blew him a kiss, wishing him well, and then waved to Edmund as well.
This is the first big test, she thought. The valour of our newly-founded kingdom against the old, established monarchies! A young passel of whippersnappers like us against an entire history of rulers…
Her heart thrilled at the thought, and she went to go look for Lucy in order that they might sit together. She and I will watch all the horseback games, and then… perhaps… we’ll find some to enter into, and show those stuffy Archenlanders just what the barbaric queens are made of.
“Lucy!” she called, springing from tent to tent. “Lucy!”