Dec 15, 2006 18:44
Something is gnawing at my house. Housemate Kyle saw a mouse in the kitchen a month or so ago, but that's been the only siting, and we've had no luck with live traps. Though I am loathe to admit it, the voracious gnawing noises that come from our walls sound like they're made by something bigger than mices. I think it's time to admit that I might have a rat problem (that is, after all, the first step to recovery). Ugh. What do I do? So tempted to let them be, but I hear they can cause electrical fires if they start gnawing on wires and furthermor, this house is rickety enough without rodent runs chewed through the stud wall. Maybe if I close my eyes and click my heels together three times, the critters will magically be transported to a new home...