BromanceStory CoverArt for The Adventure of the Empty Warehouse by ENOCHIA

Aug 25, 2012 17:39

The Adventure of the Empty Warehouse by ENOCHIA

Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Characters: Mycroft, John, Lestrade
Rating: M
Warnings: death, some violence
Does ‘romantic friendship’ include sex in your story? No. It's all platonic.
Summary via BromaceStory's Claim prompt: John never thought he'd see Mycroft Holmes again. But there he is, leading him from bizarre massive poisoning to what appeared as a clear-cut death from natural causes that spiralled into desperate search for the truth. What he finds is not what he imagined. But what he gains on the way there is even more surprising.

CoverArt Links by susanmarier


enochia, the adventure of the empty warehouse, coverart, fest!fall2012, fest update, covers

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