Sep 26, 2007 22:53
I've just seen a man walk through what will be the master bedroom into the ensuite bathroom.
Fucking Hell!!
I just came in from walking the dog - a beautiful cold clear night with a bright moon.
Walking upstairs, I glanced up and saw clearly, a man walk swiftly across the bedroom into the bathroom. I saw him clearly though he was 'side on' to me. He had dark hair, dark trousers and a white tee shirt. About 5'10" tall. Silent.
I know what I saw, but I had to go look straight away, and just as I thought, there was no one in the bathroom - which is an internal room with no exit.
Now, I've completely changed the internal layout of that side of the house, but there did used to be a door where the new bathroom door is. That old door would have led into the room I am now sat in. Eek!
This is the first time I have ever seen anything in this house and I have lived here for ten years. Though I have seen things before, in other places. I'm not scared, I just don't understand it. I suppose it might be thought of as seeing ghosts - but that sounds just plain weird, and there is nothing nothing weird about me. I just see things unexpectedly, with no explaination.
I'm not scared now, but 20 minutes ago my heart was racing like mad and my knees have just stopped trembling now. LOL
The odd thing is that this man was not some old fashioned type, but a young modern looking man, early twenties at a guess. The woman who lived in that half the house before I bought it and made it into one house with mine, used to claim that she used to see a man walk through the living room wall downstairs, cross the room and exit through the opposite wall. She never said, but I always thought it would be some old fashioned type of man.
I'm getting over the shock now.