But, first, breaking news! After some laser play and some Stickie fun, Mr. King Of It All, retreated to his new nest. He found the level with the heating pad and just settled on end. No birds today so he's watching me instead.
I keep two water bottles in the car. My regular and a backup. I noticed the other day that the backup is missing. Then I paired that with the discovery last week that my BT transmitter was missing. That one is really weird because it was plugged into the plug in the glove box. Today, I went to get the backup phone that lives in that glovebox to charge it and discovered that it's gone, too!
I often do not lock my car when I leave it in my garage. That practice has now ended. Fuck. That's so strange and weird. The thieves did not get the wallet of coins that also had an old license and two credit cards. Nor did they get the mini chromebook. Car's locked now and I'm just annoyed. Mainly at me.
I did my Home Depot walk but could not find those little tacks. I didn't look really hard and it was not a day when HD employees cared about my ability to find stuff. So I just got steps and left.
I can get what I want at the dollar store and I need to make a trip there anyway. Maybe this Sunday (no traffic) and I can pair it with a Popeye's (kitty corner from the dollar store) visit.
OMG first the car and now someone is trying to get into my Amazon account. Geesh. Password changed. Time for lunch. Nice lox sandwich from the bagel shop.