Fail, fail, fail but it was good

Feb 07, 2022 13:03

The Amazon Fresh store is always more pleasant and satisfying than I expect. Today I found breaded frozen okra!! We haven't had that available for purchase in Seattle since Cash and Carry discontinued theirs about 5 years ago. And they had everything else on my list.

Then on to the fried chicken place. He wasn't quite ready yet but very friendly. So I went outside to wait. It was nicely cloudy and comfortable and it's not like I had to be somewhere. There was a dude about my age also waiting and we had a lovely chat.

I finally got the chicken and came on home. I air fried some of the okra. When ready, I dished up a piece of chicken, the okra and some potato salad I bought at the store.

The potato salad was ok but needed WAY more potatoes. The okra was a total fail. It didn't look that good and tasted pretty cardboard-y. I'll try it again - fried in oil this time but I'm not all that hopeful.

And the chicken was very meh. Too spicy. I'll eat the other two pieces I bought but I don't think I need to go back.

But it was all totally worth trying and I'm glad I did. Plus it was a treat to get out.

Back here, I got Biggie the most ridiculous thing ever. Really.

His own laptop!!!

He's not that fascinated yet, but he does love the mouse.

Basically, he's a slackere.

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