The pocket project turned out to be a bit of a PIA. It's been so long since I did this, I forgot how. I spent a lot of time blasting my ophthalmologist. I just can't see for shit. Especially can't see to unpick serger seams. Last time I saw him (July), I complained that I couldn't see and he just blew me off. He is NOT going to blow me off this year (July) or I will find me someone else. I'm tired of this not seeing shit.
Anyway... I did finally get it done but only managed one top. The other will get done tomorrow.
No pocket (yeah, that's Guess Who's tail shadow)
Nice, big pocket with a soft knit interior!!
This is now going to be my Second Favorite Top.
More sewing tomorrow.
And ok, fine. I started the process of importing my entire journal to Dream Width. This is simply a Just In Case maneuver. As long as LJ is here, so am I. If something should happen to LJ, you can find me at
kaishinmystik wanted photos of working kitchen sinks. Count me in!!
I use my dishwasher for storage and wash my dishes by hand.
That dish drainer can actually sit on the counter. The
over the faucet apparatus is very handy. I'm a huge Dawn fan. The power wash stuff (far left) works great on burnt on stuff but man does it stink. The foam stuff (middle) is my go to and I love it. Two squirts will clean a sink full of dishes. Oh the yellow and white folded over things are
swedish dishcloths. And that's a Method handsoap that I love but they no longer make. (It's fab at instantly removing stinks like onions. They do now make an odor eliminating hand soap but I haven't tried it - still working through the stash I collected when they discontinued this one.) I buy my sponges at the Dollar Tree but
I had to pay double during the pandemic for them at Amazon. I was grateful to get them, though.
And that's my sink!!
Today is the first day, since December, when all of our COVID numbers are down. We've had fewer cases reported and fewer hospitalizations in the past 7 days (than the previous 7) and fewer deaths in the past 14 days (than the previous 14). Nice. Very Nice.
Now I think I'll go get some cookies out of the freezer and settle in and watch some more of The Fall while I knit or crochet.