Oct 12, 2009 12:36
We've got a forecast for LOTS of rain in the next day or two, NATURALLY! So, this morning, I went out to remove broken glass from the immediate window area and patch the hole with a trash bag, while Phil slept in a bit before a 10am meeting from home. Because he hurt his back over the weekend. When it rains, it... *looks out at the sky*... Nevermind.
So, anyway, I'm out there, with a hand broom, sweeping glass chips out of the sill, but not yet out of the back seat area itself, when I reach in and manage to more than brush one of the electronic mounts that still has a good chunk of broken glass on it.
That was an odd bump, thinks I. There was no bounce back... like a bump would tend to create. Kind of...absorby, really... And I look at my hand. And there's 2 chunks missing.
Oh! Says I. Hmm. That smarts. Oh, hey, blood. Well... *suck* At least I missed the tendon. So... Whatever. And I go about sweeping the ground with the big broom.
Sweep, bleedbleedbleed, slurp, repeat as needed until glass is cleaned up. Swat Sting with broom for attempting to lounging on the glass pile as needed.*
I then went in, pressed a wad of paper towel over the two, half inch long gushers, and used the tape that I was about to use to cover the hole to secure my make shift bandage. There. I fixed it. I then went out and patched the hole.
I now have a great big monkey head shaped band-aid on the back of my hand. Didn't even think about it when Lisa offered to me. *shakes good, fist-clenched hand at the sky and curses Curious George!*
*Twice, actually. He's a love, but not the the most fully cooked fry in the Happy Meal.