Title: Collide
sandrine_c Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Susan/Caspian, Ramandu's daughter
Summary: What do you do when the past catches up to you? The history of Narnia was about to unfold as intended. Ramandu's daughter was to wed King Caspian, until an uninvited guest arrives.
Chapter 3: Aftermath
Every movement required a prayer to hold on to what was left of her. Finally, the queen felt numb, at least enough to open her eyes. She stared at the ceiling, not really seeing anything, her mind devoid of any thought. Susan blinked when her eyes felt dry and breathed when her lungs asked for it. She waited for the waves of pain to crash on her but they never came for she did not allow her mind to reach for the memories. One by one she locked out every emotion, a skill she had learned back in London and mastered only now. She chose to exist in the moment than to live for it was the only way to shut out the pain.