Story: along this road he lost his soul
Title: Yellow Cabinets
Characters/Pairings: Susan/Caspian, Lucy, Edmund, Peter
Rating: PG
Summary: [One hundred drabbles for the
casue100 prompt table.] The way things might have been. "They waltz to the tinny sound of the gramophone in the kitchen, the noise filtering in from the parlor; his hand catches hers and presses it to his chest and his cheek is soft as it lays across the top of her head."
Notes: Prompt: siblings. Also posted to
casue_ldws, prompt laughter. I'm back in business, baby. The angst business, that is.
(There are moments, in the midst of doing something mundane like sorting through the history volumes in the library or going through her stretches in the practice yard, when she allows herself to imagine.)