Hello! I'm relatively new to the Caspian-Susan scene, having been a fan of the books before I saw the movie. Then the attraction made my brain melt me appreciate the possibilities of the dynamic.
Title: A Day in the Countryside
Pairings: Susan/Caspian, Susan/Random Boy
Rating: I've decided to be safe and say R for some adult touching
Summary: He is older, she realizes. That makes sense, as Susan herself is older, but as she hasn’t thought of the King of Narnia in quite some time-no daydreams, no nightmares, no befuddled meanderings-so the change is far more startling than it might have been otherwise. He looks so pleased to see her, smiling gently so his eyes crinkle in the corner, that she feels guilt fold her stomach. How could she have forgotten?
Disclaimer: No ownage is going on in this corner.
Notes: If you've read The Last Battle, then this is my attempt at justification (although it doesn't spoil for anything). If you haven't, then this is a healthy mix of angsty-smut post-Caspian.
(He stands with dizzying quickness, and catches her sides between his palms, sliding fingers under the hem of her sweater and reaching for the skin under her thin blouse with a greediness that she is only vaguely familiar with (he used to be so occupied with revenge).)