Title: Forever Doesn't End This Soon.
Summary: I won't say goodbye . . .
Rating: K
Genre: Drabble
Disclaimer: None of this amazing world is mine, I just like to play in it.
Author's Notes: No more forced hiatus. :) I've been gone forever, but now I'm back with a vengeance. It's time for fantic writing. :) I was planing on finishing all of the old drabble prompts first, but well this one kinda jumped out at me from nowhere. :) (Full story on my personal Journal,) I missed all of you, so let me know if it sucks I appreciate all of your criticism, cause you guys rock. And a double reason I definitely need to get back in the flow. Oh and so you know the story begins the millisecond after the kiss in the movie, and extends towards the train station, It follows movie canon almost perfectly but I did tweak it a bit. Oh and it has kind of an open ended ending, so It could definitely be continued, or expanded upon.
Closing my eyes, I let myself into his embrace one final time. )