Title: Situations
Rating: R-ish?
Pairing: Susan/Caspian
Warnings: Er, sex. That's pretty much all that happens, folks.
Summary: "From the outside the situation probably looked slightly absurd, to say nothing of awkward. But she could never remember ever feeling more comfortable."
Note: Seems I am an incurable cheat. This simultaneously fulfils two
requests and at the same time doesn't fill either since it obviously isn't a drabble. Hopefully you'll forgive me...anyway, this is for
pantherwilliam who wanted "some more Caspian/ Susan... a nice "R" rating would be nice, something to totally take it out of the "Children's Christian Fantasy" genre", and
xphoenixrising who asked for "Susan/Caspian - fluff/smut or something just kinna "eeee! S/C!" Any rating".
Situations - fake cut to my journal )