The silver lining?

Dec 11, 2005 17:50

At least my car wasn't stolen.

I went over to tepui's house last night because it was his birthday and we were all getting together to make dinner. So, I parked across the street from his house, and we made dinner and watched Barbarella, which started out hilarously awful and ended up being just awful (although full of a whole party's worth of great Halloween costumes) and then around 11:30 when I went to leave, my car wasn't there.

So, we all walked up and down the street looking for it, just to make sure I hadn't come down with a bad case of the stupid and had actually parked somewhere other than where I thought I parked, but it wasn't there. And then I wasn't really sure what you're supposed to do. Especially since the border between Pittsburgh proper and Wilkinsburg runs right down the middle of tepui's street. I called the Wilkinsburg police and said that my car wasn't where I left it and was there any chance that it was towed? The woman I spoke to said that they hadn't towed any cars that evening and, after getting a description of my car, said that she would send an officer over to take a statement from me but that they were all out at a shooting and it might take some time before they could get there.

Well, ok, I certainly understand that a shooting takes precedence over my stolen car.

But then after a while, I thought, well, the side of the street where my car was parked is actually Pittsburgh, so maybe I should call the Pittsburgh police. Which I did, and they also took a description of my car and said that they would send someone over to take a statement. About half an hour later, I got a call from the Pittsburgh police saying that my car wasn't stolen and that it had been towed earlier that evening and that I need to call the tow pound to get more information.

But the tow pound is closed on Sundays, so I can't get my car until tomorrow. And also, why the hell was my car towed? The only thing I can think of is that I blocked someone's driveway but I never do that. My only guess is that, because of the 4 inches of snow on the ground, I just didn't see that there was a driveway there. Which makes whoever called and got my car towed a tremendous dick because, hello asshole, if you would shovel your driveway, I wouldn't block it!

Anyways, regbug and ri_cube gave me a ride home, and then at 1:30, after I'd gone to sleep, I got a call from the Wilkinsburg police saying "We haven't forgotten about you! We were out at a shooting. We can send someone to take a statement now," and I explained that the Pittsburgh police had already told me that my car was towed, so no thank you. And it costs $100 to get your car out of the tow pound, and I'm really very cranky about it.

But at least my car wasn't stolen.
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