Aug 24, 2006 14:46
I'm just chilling at work on my break. Everything here is really slow and we're going to have to go on work-share soon and that's if we get approved for it! It really sucks. So I'm polishing the resume up and job searching because I can't afford the pay cut.
I still have no idea who I'm going to live with once my lease is up. I'd really like to invest in buying a place but unless someone else goes in to buy I can't afford that either. why are houses so expensive here? I know it's Ontario but the ratio of salary to cost of a house isn't even close. I would have to only be making like $5,000/year to have around the same ratio here. Houses up here cost an arevage of about $250,000-$450,000 and at home they're only around $30,000-$40,000. BIG difference!
Well, maybe I'll find an awesome job making like $60,000. That would be pretty sweet, but I doubt it. I don't have enough experience and in this line of work experience is what really matters.
In happy news: Glasgow is still being super cute and hyper! He is SO cute. He's a total babe magnet. I should rent him out to single guys and lesbians. If I were a single lesbian I'd be cleaning up. Damn my straightness and my relationship, lol.
This weekend should be fun. Friday I'm going to Republik with Franco, Amanda, Liz, Paolo, and anyone else who wants to go. I want to go to the Ex saturday but I might put it off and go watch mustangs race instead. I forget what the races are called.
Well, I'm gonna go grab something to drink and then back to work.