Dec 19, 2008 03:37
Wendy Darling.
Wendy Darling, Time Agent.
That was the name she'd given the recruiter. Not Wendy Moira Angela Darling, that would have been too obvious even in the fifty-first century. Peter Pan might no longer be the most popular work but this was the time agency, people here were a bit more up on their history.
It was just as true as the rest of her paperwork. Which is to say if you turned your head and squinted a bit... it still wasn't completely true. She hadn't lied, having two hearts was a sort of heart condition. Earth had been a home, her home planet.
Gallifrey was gone. Next of kin? None.
All she had left was what she knew, stories. She came from nowhere, had no family, none of it existed any more. It was all just stories. Even if they were true.
So when they asked her name she told them Wendy Darling.
Wendy Darling, who ran away and had adventures.
Wendy Darling, who went to Never land and came back again.
Wendy Darling, who was brave enough to be lost.
Muse Susan
Fandom Doctor Who
Word Count 189