Susan smiles when she spots Hiro. "Welcome to Aiages. Looks like Earth doesn't it? Just a lot more green." "It's been Tera-formed to be hospitable to earth natives, specifically plants. Most of the plants are from earth just genetically modified to be more productive, disease resistant, that sort of thing." "The planet is divided up into various company run parks and farms. There's a few vacation spots with little shops for the tourists but mostly it's a growing planet." She runs down a bit at the end of her speech. "I think there is something out of place at Titania's Gardens." Susan gestured towards the open gate. "The Agency thinks its a low priority."
Hiro looks around. "I thought I was in a botanical garden at home. Wow!" He grins at her recitation. "Been reading the brochure, have we? Is it mainly for agriculture? Preservation of species?" He looks at one of the flowers and sniffs it. "Smells just like a geranium, which..." he bends down to look at the little plaque " what it's supposed to be."
"You caught me." She says teasing gently before pulling the brochure out of her pocket. "Mostly agriculture. Pollination is handled by nano-bugs. Perfect for picnics." The teasing tone leaves her voice when she talks about the Agency. "Nothing. The paperwork is all in order. There's some pheromone experimentation that's a little early for this era but there is no actual progress being made." "Everything is normal. Except that it isn't."
Comments 136
"Is this Earth?"
"It's been Tera-formed to be hospitable to earth natives, specifically plants. Most of the plants are from earth just genetically modified to be more productive, disease resistant, that sort of thing."
"The planet is divided up into various company run parks and farms. There's a few vacation spots with little shops for the tourists but mostly it's a growing planet." She runs down a bit at the end of her speech.
"I think there is something out of place at Titania's Gardens." Susan gestured towards the open gate. "The Agency thinks its a low priority."
"What did the Agency pick up here?"
The teasing tone leaves her voice when she talks about the Agency. "Nothing. The paperwork is all in order. There's some pheromone experimentation that's a little early for this era but there is no actual progress being made."
"Everything is normal. Except that it isn't."
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