the days are just packed (Avengers)

Aug 25, 2012 22:55

Story: the days are just packed (AO3, LJ) by gdgdbaby

Fandom: Avengers

Relationship/Characters: gen, team (ambiguous/potential Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov)

Author's summary: Of course, because the powers that be seem bent on making their lives a living hell, the city's entire power grid goes out the third day they've moved in.

Content notes: no standard notes apply. Author's rating: mature.

Length: 26 minutes, 19 seconds

Download or Stream: at the Archive of Our Own (to reduce time spent fighting linkrot). If AO3 is down, check out my Google Drive.

Reader's note: Because I have to like a story with the author's note, "through a series of unfortunate events, the avengers are forced to get naked."

(Posted to Kink Bingo as amnesty for Round Five.)

Feedback and constructive criticism: better than central air conditioning.

(Original post links: amplificathon @ DW, amplificathon @ LJ, and AO3.)

Originally posted at Dreamwidth; please comment here or there.

author: gdgdbaby, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, collection: kink bingo, length: 00:20-00:30 (20-30 minutes)

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