
Jul 28, 2006 18:41

Much irked-ness. I got a job at ClientLogic, and the training goes through Dragon*Con. Which means I don't get to go this year. Which means I don't get to spend an entire weekend with my Jessehobbit, which means I'm rather pissed off and upset about the whole thing. So I put my ticket up for sale over one of the LJ Dragon*Con communities, and found a buyer in the past two hours.

*sigh* Hopefully I can still go to AWA. Training ends that week, and I'd probably end up getting to Atlanta by bus. Stupid five-week-long training. Thankfully, AWA's cheap.

And on a totally unrelated note: my mother agrees that it'll possibly (I'm guessing most likely) come to getting a restraining order against Matt. And my uncle told me to quit calling him "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named" (simply on the basis that it sounds like something a three year old might say). Bah upon that!...I just won't call him that around my uncle or most strangers.
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