Aug 20, 2006 01:33
Susan is hiding outside. The tree who's roots she's sitting between is shielding her from sight from the mansion and she's come here with the intention of writing in her journal, and indeed, she's already begun her task.
I don't know why it feels so strange. I mean, I always knew we'd grow up and marry and have families and all that, it's just that we've all grown up before, and we never did any of that then. I suppose I'm just worrying about nothing. They all say I worry too much, that I'm boring, but
at this point, she has been distracted by a butterfly, and is trying to stay as still as possible so that it will land on her. Her bare toes curl a little as the butterfly almost brushes them before darting away into the bushes. She heaves a sigh of regret before closing her eyes and leaning back against the tree.