I am soooooo exicted you can not even believe. I had a minor set back an hour ago though when I tried to print off my ticket and there WAS NO BLAC INK LEFT!!!! Disaster averted though as I emailed my ticket to the people I'm going with tonight and asked them to print it off, which they have!
So now I just need to find something to do for the next four and a half hours as thats when I'm getting picked up to go wait in line. You don't have to read all this next bit... just me rambling on how I may spend that time lol. Now I plan to leave about an hour and a half to get ready, so really I only need to fill three hours with stuff. And that'll probably be TV.
I have sorted my costume. Despite the fact I have no proper tie, I have made myself one out of paper and a wand out of cardboard. The rest is going to be a white blouse, black trouser and boots. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to wear a coat (its raining here and freezing(!) outside; least we're not meant to have snow til Sunday) so I'll have to take it off whenever pictures are in order, which there shall! I'm definately going to be taking some snaps and uploading them to facebook. I'm also going to try and start an A Very Potter Musical singalong. I'm gonna take down my MP3 player so I don't forget words, start in an appropriate key, etc.
Oh my goodness I'm going overboard. Never mind though, its probably the only time I'm going to do this, so might as well do it all the way!
I'm really looking forward to trying to figure out which part they filmed in Liverpool. I think, from the trailer, its the part where
Harry and Hagrid are on the motorbike in the tunnel. If it was that part, it will be so weird going back through it when I get home.
I'll write a review with spoiler warnings tomorrow sometime. Can't wait!!