Mar 14, 2015 17:48
If I'm not mistaken, Glompfest should be coming up in a couple of months and I'm so excited! It's my favorite fest and this year I'm determined to be prepared with the best prompt in the history of prompts, so that every H/D writer in fandom will be fighting over it and wishing they had thought of it themselves. OK. That's not going to happen, but I am curious as to what draws writers to want to write for certain prompts. I know there are a lot of factors that a prompter really can't control that can cause a prompt to go unclaimed or be among the last ones claimed. It could be that a writer who would've loved a particular prompt isn't participating in the fest that prompt is in this year, or that someone picked a prompt, but had to drop out due to RL issues. It may be that a writer loved your prompt, but there was another they loved just a tiny bit more or... You get the idea. I'm interested in the kinds of prompts you (writers) tend to gravitate to, in general, when you are participating in a fest. With that in mind, I'm going to try to post a POLL!
Poll Silly Poll is Silly
Please put your thoughts as to how you choose prompts in the comments!