Aug 11, 2005 19:13

^Thats usually my password

anyway........I'm soooooooooo bored.

So I'm sitting in my basement where I dont have internet access so I dont really know this is working....

-i've been checking my email(all three accounts), facebook and livejournal like every 8 min and ive actually learned something(besides how unpopular I am): oh wait.....i just learned that i'm unpopular

-i've called like 25 people(that are supposed to be completely free to do things with me) in the last few days and nobody answers the phone......but...i've gotten REALLY good at leaving messages!!

-i really cant watch tv anymore....ive memorized all the reruns, the new shows suck, and that leaves the news....which....is the news....

-i checked out 6 books from the library!!!....and 2 are nonfiction!! so i'm getting back into the swing of things!! yay!!

-guess what?!?!? i decided to see how long i can go without sitting.....i feel so athletic!!

-ummm 2 hours....i went two hours without sitting.....if you dont count lying down or driving as sitting...

-so i really want to push the update button, but i'm too lazy to go upstairs where i have internet access

(sorry i'm so boring....but maybe if whoever reads this could hang out with me or something....then i could have something to write about....then everyone else reading this would think i'm a fun person and theyd hang out with me too...then i'd have more to write about...and it would be a really fun cycle that never ends!!! yay!!!)

edit: why is "livejournal" not a word to livejournal?
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