* I just realized that it's only 8 weeks until Shattered airs! \\o// Or did the current heat wave do things to my brain?
* Geocaching, anyone? I discovered this just last week by accident and it's SO MUCH FUN! It takes you back to old childhood days with scavenger hunting, treasure maps, and crouching through the woods. The only thing you need is a GPS receiver, but mobile navigation devices for cars work just fine.
* Visited an abandoned sanitarium near Berlin and took pics. Beelitz-Heilstätten, a district of the town, is home to a large hospital complex dating back to the late 19th century. The complex was a German military hospital until the end of World War II. In 1945, Beelitz-Heilstätten was occupied by Soviet forces, and the complex remained a Soviet military hospital until 1995, well after the German reunification. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time!