Always remember that You Are Not Alone!!!
One out of every six American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape). A total of 17.7 million women have been victims of these crimes.
[Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey, National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998.
Some more well-known rape and sexual abuse survivors include:
Maya Angelou Tori Amos Here are some resources to help you through!
World Wide Rape Crisis Resources This link is to direct you to rape crisis services all over the world - if you still can't find it after this, go to and put in a search for rape crisis and the name of your town and state - i.e. rape crisis Rochester NY
Welcome to Barbados is a Tori Amos inspired site for rape and sexual abuse survivors. Pandora's Aquarium - A Message Board for Survivors Help is available - Call the
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 (TDD).
National Sexual Violence Resource Center at 1-877-739-3895 (toll free) (24 hr access to information, resources, and research regarding sexual assault) NSVRC does not provide information regarding VAWA grants.
"I have good days. Like if I get really good coffee ice cream with just the right amount of chocolate syrup. "
-Tori Amos