Fan Favorite Results

Mar 03, 2012 16:30

The winner of the "who deserves to win Survivor" poll was BRYAN. Ben was in the lead, but I took away all the votes from accounts that had been created within the last week (and there were a few, Ben). Although I didn't specify you couldn't do that... this was supposed to be an "America's Favorite" vote and not a vote-for-yourself-10-times vote.

The winner of the "fan favorite" vote was also BRYAN. Actually, it was a tie between Ben and Bryan, but I, again, took out the votes that had been from accounts created within the last week. For a long while it was a 4 way tie between Drew, Maggie, KJ, and Andii.

Good job to all those involved in this season. Therese and I had a good time watching it all unravel. Confessionals will be unscreened throughout the week next week. Looking forward to your remarks on that.

Also - I'm not sure if we ever pointed this out but had anyone figured out that RAIN was mine and Therese's zip codes you would have won a Hidden Immunity idol. We never gave any clues that there was another HI out there... we thought maybe you guys would dig a little deeper on how we came up with that number. I guess y'all assumed we just'ed it. 
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