
Feb 23, 2012 15:51

I already know who I'm voting for. I'm not going to say here who it is, and I'm not going to share it with anyone else. Not even my fellow jury members. The reason for that is that, after reading opening statements, it is actually possible that the other person could sway my vote with how they answer the jury's questions. I think that's the first ( Read more... )

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nyc_55david February 25 2012, 02:10:19 UTC
Firstly, my favourite colour is red, just FYI ( ... )


hookedonhouse February 25 2012, 06:41:52 UTC
Andii did nothing in this game. she barely showed up to do anything, but yet, you would take her further??? How does this line up with your "Strongest player" scenario? LOL

Ben, the more you talk, the more shit comes out of your mouth. I never took credit for anything I didn't do. Anything that you were told was either bullshit or taken out of context, but you and I already talked about that.

Honestly, i hope people see through you in this game and vote for Bryan.


nyc_55david February 25 2012, 06:51:49 UTC
Andii was in this game for 2 VOTES. How can you even goddamn base an opinion on her? By us getting rid of her, she had no chance to prove anything in this game?! And did I say I wanted to take her to the final 2? NO! So seriously read what I write before continuing to baby yourself up to my 'strongest player' scenario when you can't understant it. Stop acting all butthurt for the fact that I called you out for nothing more than a cottail rider ( ... )


hookedonhouse February 26 2012, 09:10:48 UTC
Ben, you're so full of shit. I have never misjudged a person so badly.. Trust me.. I know better now.

As long as you don't win, I"m good... You were NOT the best player of this season.. I'm surprised that your head fits through the door with how great you THINK you are.. LMFAO


nyc_55david February 26 2012, 11:24:35 UTC
I love how you still bitch and moan and preach to me and basically ignore everything that I say and ask. You keep claiming I'm full of shit yet give no evidence or anything to back up ANY claims you make against me. To be honest I'm all but assured to have lost this game, and well, I had been assured the moment Bryan won immunity. But I am leaving this game smiling no matter what because you continue to dig yourself a lovely little hole in the looney bin based on your claims with no support, no weight and no basis for anything ( ... )


hookedonhouse February 27 2012, 07:26:04 UTC
Ben, honestly, if you really WERE the best player in this game, it will show when EVERYONE votes for you... HA, like that will happen.. LMFAO

You can call me a crybaby all you want but i leave this game knowing I was a strong competitor and a loyal ally..

Say whatever else you want,.. I am done responding to you because it's really not worth the effort for me..


nyc_55david February 27 2012, 11:07:11 UTC
And you leave this game in 5th place. Hmmmm...somehow that still falls behind me, Drew & Jamie. So even if I don't win, it doesn't matter...because I BEAT YOU!

It's funny, I seem to recall you saying you wouldn't reply to me a few days ago? I also seem to recall you claiming you could prove some of these blatent lies against me but here I sit, waiting, watching everyone laugh at your deranged craziness. So keep going KJ, seriously. It's like watching a lame stand up comedian who thinks they are funny but really they are hopeless!


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