Feb 23, 2012 15:51
I already know who I'm voting for. I'm not going to say here who it is, and I'm not going to share it with anyone else. Not even my fellow jury members. The reason for that is that, after reading opening statements, it is actually possible that the other person could sway my vote with how they answer the jury's questions. I think that's the first time in these games that I've felt that way, so good job to the man who started to sway me with his opening statement!
Please be sure to answer ALL of the questions. If you skip any, it could cost you a vote.
After all these years, there's really no original questions regarding game play that can be asked, and I'm still not to the point where I can bring myself to ask asinine questions like "What's your favorite color," so here are my completely unoriginal questions for you.
Ben: You said you played a better game than Bryan. Bryan says "... there is not a single person that can argue that I did not excel when it came to Outplay." From where I was sitting, I could see you outwitting, but it looked to me like he was outplaying. So, do you dispute his claim? Give me specific examples of how he did NOT outplay you.
Bryan: Once Drew kicked me out of the game, I spoke to no one other than KJ to give her the occasional "good job." The reason for that was because even though I wasn't in the game, I wanted to take this opportunity to still "play" the game in a new way, and that meant staying out of the game after I was taken out. The reason I tell you all that is this- If you have taken Drew to the final two instead of Ben, you would have been guaranteed my vote. Knowing this, do you regret taking Ben over Drew? Why did you make the choice to take Ben and not drew?
For Both:
1) Did you vote against KJ the week she was voted out? Why or why not?
2) What was your biggest regret in this game?
3) What was the most surprising moment in the game for you?
4) I know you want me to vote for you. That's obvious. I'm sure you could give me a page full of reasons that I shouldn't vote for the other guy. Tell me why I should vote for him. I want a specific occurrence, action, or move in the game that you felt was smarter than one of your own, along with how/why you think he made the jury. And don't tell me I shouldn't vote for him, because that might just guarantee that I do vote for him.
And one last thing. Post a picture of yourself holding a handwritten sign asking me to vote for you.
Congratulations on making it this far. From a viewer's perspective, you both deserve to be here, and that's rare in these games, so good job :)