Bryan's Reflection/Tribute/Walk Past Your Digital Torches Thingy

Feb 21, 2012 23:18

First and foremost, I would like to thank Ashley and Therese for hosting an awesome game and for convincing me to play in the first place. You girls rock!

Now on to the reflection...

Sean: I was pretty surprised that you went out first. I know you are a strong player who is always a threat to make it to the end of any game you play. I know that we had some ups and downs in games we have played together and I was hoping that this game would be an up but we never got the chance to make that happen.

Tom: I think we may have talked once despite being on the same tribe. I was disappointed that you decided to throw in the towel but I am sure you have your reasons. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future.

Andii: Again, someone who I didn't get the chance to talk to. I have seen you play in the past and know that you are a good player. I think you were just a victim of some bad luck in the tribal part of the game.

Mark: I was really pissed that you left the game when you did. I was also really surprised to learn that you asked to be taken out by Rain even though that is what would have happened anyway. I think things would have been very different had you stayed in the game and this final two could have been completely different.

Robin: I think you were gone before your time. You are someone that I could have seen myself working well with post-merge and again like I said about Mark, the final two may have been completely different had you stuck around like you should have.

Diana: I'm not quite sure how you made it to the merge considering that you faded in and out of existence in the game but kudos to you.

Nick: The first casualty of my alliance. I am not exactly sure why you were chosen to take the fall. You being voted out signaled what I thought was my certain doom but I hope that you are proud to see that someone from our alliance actually made it to the end. It sucks that you don't get to be a part of the jury because at the very least you deserve that.

Maggie: You being voted out sucked the most. You were my F2 partner from very early in the game and I really thought we had a chance to make it to the end together. We just put our trust in the wrong person as our fifth and that lead to our alliance's downfall. You are an awesome player and I expect to see you in a F2 very soon if you keep playing these games.

Nicolle: I must say that I had a blast playing this game with you. We busted our asses working together on all the tribal challenges. You know that I tried every possible angle I could to try to get us further in the game but there were just no cracks in that air tight alliance at that point in time. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I had been voted out in your place that you would have been more than capable to go on a challenge streak and make the final two.

Donna: I can't help but feel partially responsible for your demise. If I had not found the hidden idol I would have been gone in your place. Despite what you say about yourself you are a great player and have every thing it takes to succeed in these games. I am sad that alliance lines limited our interactions but know that I did not want you to go when you did.

KJ: I honestly think that when your alliance turned on you that that was the move that helped me make it where I am now. You were by far the biggest challenge threat left in the game and would have been a huge obstacle for me to overcome. So when Ben approached me BEFORE I won immunity and offered me your spot in the F4 I jumped on it. It turns out that I did win that week but I am pretty sure that you still would have been voted out instead of me. I have nothing but respect for you.

Jamie: It is safe to say that we didn't exactly get along in this game. It was very frustrating to me when I was trying everything possible to get myself further in this game only for you to tell me that you were comfortable with not winning the game and that you were only playing to advance your alliance. That really rubbed me the wrong way. But you put up one hell of a fight in the Switch Footing challenge and that changed my opinion on you. I could see your determination and if it wasn't for a split second finish you could easily have been here instead of me.

Drew: Honestly, voting you out was the toughest choice I had to make in this game. You definetly earned a spot in the finals with how you played this game but it just wasn't meant to be. We had our differences during the game but I think that we worked them out like two civilized adults and I have to say that I am really glad to get to know you throughout this game and I really hope that we get the chance to play together again in the future and hopefully we can team up and run shit.
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