Welcome, Survivors
A mere 82 points separated the tribe that will be granted Immunity from this week's Tribal Council. So, who will be safe from this week's Tribal Council?
With 3481 total points, SAYAN, you are NOT safe.
With 2652 total points, KUNLUN, you are NOT safe.
That leaves QILIAN & PAMIRS. Both tribes had to sit out a member of their tribe. Did they make the right decision in who to sit out? PAMIRS was given the negative scroll which added 15 points to their final score. Was this enough to take Immunity away?
With 2505 total points, PAMIRS, you are......
I'm sorry, QILIAN, your total score of 2587 was not enough to beat to PAMIRS.
Congratulations, PAMIRS, Nick, Bryan, & Nicolle. You are all granted immunity from Tribal Council tonight.
Tribal Council will be posted shortly. This was a very short week. Don't forget to head over to
slj18confession to write up your weekly confessional!