Tribal Council #1

Jan 05, 2012 21:57

Welcome SAYAN to the first Tribal Council.

Before we step into Tribal Council, a warning: Those that are voted out will have power.

As a Survivor is eliminated from the game they will be handed two srolls. The contents of each scroll will remain a mystery to the person voted out but, we can say that the contents of one scroll will benefit someone left in the game and the contents of the other scroll will negatively affect that same person's entire tribe and will not be made known until the following immunity challenge. The only rule the person leaving has is that they may not pass these scrolls to someone from their tribe. So, Kunlun & Pamirs, be prepared.

Now, on to tonight's Tribal Council.

Each person will be required to comment with the person they would like to vote off of the tribe (votes will be made public after the game). Please use the provided parchment with a reason why you are voting the way you are. Once you've voted you may not change your vote. An edited comment or deleted comment will result in 1)a thrown out vote during this Tribal Council and 2)a self vote in the following Tribal Council. Please choose wisely.

Votes are due at 9PM EST Friday.

slj18, tc #1

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