Immunity Challenge #2

Dec 07, 2008 17:09

Welcome back survivors! In case you haven't noticed, Brett was voted out at the last tribal council. His photo is now grayed out in the awesome cast banner.

Before we get to the challenge, I have some unfortunate business to attend to. From the start of the game, through the deadline of last night's tribal council, each of you were to write two confessionals. Most of you managed to do so. However, Ali from the Immigrants, and KJ from the Emigrants, each only managed to write one. The punishment for such negligence was to be a penalty in today's immunity challenge. However, because only one person from each tribe missed one confessional, the penalties would cancel each other out. Lucky for you, but next time you might not be so lucky....

Now, onwards with the challenge. Emigrants, I'll need that immunity back.

As you have surely noticed, I have been asking each of you a series of questions about yourselves. Over the next few days, you will have a chance to probe your tribe-mates, as well as the other tribe members, about their answers to these questions. It will be up to you (as individuals) to decide which answers you can trust, and which answers you feel were lies.

Then, each of you is to IM me individually (whenever you feel you are ready). You can do this anytime between now and the deadline. Let me know when you're ready, and I will ask you a series of five multiple choice questions. Two will be about your tribe-mates, and three will be about the opposing tribe.

During this session, you will be timed. I will have your questions prepared beforehand, so I will simply be copy/pasting them into the conversation. You will each receive a different set of questions, there will be no repeats. For each wrong answer, you will be given a ten second penalty.

The tribe with the lowest accumulative time will win immunity.

Here is an example:

    Cynthia: Hi! I am ready to answer questions for the host tribe!
    Andrea: Awesome! Let me get your questions prepared and we will begin!
    Cynthia.: Okay.
    Andrea: Okay. It is 4:58. Your time will start as soon as I paste in the first question. Here we go:
    Andrea: (4:59) What was David's first pet?
      A: Dog, Bruin
      B: Cat, Pooky
      C: Hamster, Oreo
      D: Ferret, Hannibal
    Cynthia: A!
    Andrea: Incorrect.
    Cynthia: C!
    Andrea: Correct! It is now 5:00. You took 1 minute to answer the question, plus you received a ten second penalty for a wrong answer. Your total time is 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Obviously, the timing would be more accurate, as I will actually be using seconds instead of just minutes, and you will be answering five questions instead of just one.

Any questions? Post them below and I will update this post as necessary.

The deadline for this challenge is Wednesday, December 10, at 10 PM EST.. This is sort of a long deadline, but it's likely that I won't be around much (if at all) on Tuesday to field questions, and I wanted to give you at least some time to prepare before taking the challenge.

Also please note that I still have not received answers from KJ or Matt. Please get those to me ASAP!

Survivors ready?? GO!

immunity challenge

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