Oct 22, 2004 12:25
So I got my master's degree sent in the mail for Morgan Stanley. Raise time!
Also, I just got my raise at W.B. Up to $9.25.
So I basically got both my raises around the same time.
I haven't talked to Amber. I really don't talk to anyone anymore. If they come around or call me at work then that is the way they get in contact with me and stuff. I wouldn't say I am push people away, I am just not going out of my way anymore becuase I am tired of all the drama.
I have been so freaking HAPPY lately. Maybe solely because of Brandon, or maybe because of him along with me actually reading, writing, and just doing things to better myself. I had too many distractions. Spread my time too thin between too many people. Which is why I love my solitude, even though I miss my friends sometimes...I want to see how Alina is doing! She came by o visit me at work...I guess I should get my phone back on...but I LOVE THE PEACE I have now. Once in a while people spartically show up at my dorr still trying to get a fix...DUH, do I need to put a big ol "Out Of Business" sign on the front of my door?
Me, Yseabel, and Brandon are going to La Zona Rosa on Halloween to check out a concert called the "Freakers Ball". I am excited about this!
This Saturday and Sunday or just one of those days I plan on watching a movie. I haven't been to the movies in a while. I think the guys want to go see "Team America". I am not sure about this movie...I bet if I drink a whole six pack and smoke a doobie ANY movie will be halarious. So I know that I will have fun anyways.
Well, must get to work now.
Later peeps