Sep 17, 2004 14:09
Things are going pretty good.
Saw a guy named Alex on the bus today. I had seen him before and things wet well. SO I gave him my number, even though it is disconnected.
Amber came by yesturday, we talked, smoked, made up...the usual. I guess she doesn't like me being so honest. I am practicing "the lies" I guess. or example, yesturday Desi asked me if AMber smoked with me yet...I told her no...but it felt wrong! Because I lied...and I don't like to lie...and it is not me, but Amber says that what me and her do is our business and she doesn't weant anyone else knowing about her and her business ect. ect. I guess both desi and amber were supposed to stop smoking to look for better jobs and the ironic part is that Desi smoked with me last night, so no I got to make sure that both desi and amber doesn't know the either of them have smoked, if one or the other tell each other first that is fine...but it can't leak from me, I wouldn't tell if they didn't ask, but if they asked normally i would just tell the truth, it shouldn't be a big deal concern is if i ma having to lie, then one of them tells the truth, then I look like the lier...which I guess I am the either way i risk making someone mad, but either lieing or not...ahhhhhh!!! I don't think i should have to lie anyways....arrrggg...I am confused.
The way I see it is that if you just always told the truth then you wouldn't have to worry about getting caught in a lie...but is it wrong to answer a question NOT truthfully if it is really none of the other persons business??? This subject has gotten things heated for me before...where the truth hurts and i am the person bearing the truth and when peole ask me to tell them the truth about something then BAM....the explosion. I think there are exceptions to the rule, but am just not sure on the extent of the exceptions and such.
Either way this is all new to me. Keeping in the truth. It is weird because I never really had this problem before because usually people just vent and rant and rave to me andf I just listen and don't say anything other then an opinion...but recently after people rant and rave the y then ask me specific "Has Amber smoked with you?" I did it though, I lied...and I wonder where it will go from there.
Anywyas sorry about all that.