(no subject)

Feb 07, 2020 01:46

Are you excited for the upcoming summer season?
Yes.  VERY.

Will you have a Valentine this year, or did you, if Valentine's has passed?
He and I are both going to be working this year, and if anything, we will just have dinner somewhere not-crazy.

Who do you want to hang out with?
I am good at my house alone right now.

What conditions do you need in order to fall asleep?
I like the room somewhat cool, with the fan going, and my sleep podcast on.

Do you like Vick's vapor rub?
When I am congested, sure

Are you currently learning a new language?

What culture are you most interested in learning about?
Anything other than my own...

Are there clothes in your closet with the tags still on them?

What's your favorite color?

Do you own anything skull print?

Who are the three people you consider yourself closest to?
My mom, my brother, and my boyfriend.

Are you a virgin?

Do you like crackers with your soup?
It depends on what soup it is.

Which ex of yours means the most to you?

Which of your friends has the best stories?

What would you do if offered a hand grenade?
Ask why?

What is something that never fails to make you feel accomplished?
Cleaning my house and paying my bills.

How do you feel about nudity, in person?
It obviously depends on the person.

Have you ever used Pert shampoo?
I don't think so.

Do you need a fan on when you sleep?
I like to, yes.  I like the noise and the air flow.

Have you taken prescription medications that didn't belong to you?

How are your social skills?
They have improved since I started working in the service industry.

Have you ever stayed at a hotel for longer than two months?

Do wooded areas freak you out in the evening or night?

Do you ever go outside to look at the stars?

Who breaks away from the kiss first?
I don't know?

Do you know what you weigh?

Are you happy with your weight?

What is your sexual orientation?
I hate putting labels on it but I guess I would say I am bisexual.

Have you ever smoked anything other than tobacco?

Boyd or Raylan (just names if you don't know who I'm talking about)-
I don't know who you're talking about, but I don't like either of those names.

Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle?
No, wouldn't mind doing that sometime.

What was your first alcoholic beverage?
Probably Mike's Hard Lemonade.  My first LEGAL alcoholic beverage was an Angry Orchard.

Have you ever taken someone back after they'd cheated?
No, because I don't think I have ever been cheated on

Do you like Steven Tyler?
I am indifferent

Baby Lips or EOS?
I haven't used either of those in ages.

Does the color red look nice on you?
I don't like how it looks on me

Do you say koala bear or simply koala?
Koala bear

Do you know who Guy Pearce is?
The name sounds kind of familiar but I don't think so.

How often do you update the songs on your iPod?
I hardly ever use my iPod anymore.

Do you like writing English essays?
I never really hated it, but I guess it depended on the topic that I had to write about.

What does the last pair of socks you purchased look like?
I don't remember the last pair of socks I bought

Do you usually travel anywhere in the winter?

Do you know anyone who is incarcerated?

Have you ever woken up past 5 in the afternoon?

Do you think Chloe Moretz or Elle Fanning is the more talented actor?
Chloe Moretz

Do you tend to lean to the left or the right?

Do you wait for someone else to take the garbage out when it's full?

Do you iron any of your clothes?

Do you think long, straight hair is pretty?
Yes, if it's managed well.

Which parent do you get along with best?
My mother.

Are most of your friends white?
Yes, it is because of the area that I live in though.

How many CDs (roughly) do you own?
I would say about 50

Have you ever used binoculars the wrong way?

Do you own a Pillow Pet?

Do you like M&Ms?
Yes especially the crispy ones

Can you sleep in an unmade bed?

Owls or stags?

What's something you'd like to do with your hair?
Get it colored and trimmed again

Do you have a fireplace in your home?
I wish my house was that nice.


What's the most amount of surveys you've done in 24 hours?
Oh jeez I don't know, I used to do tons of surveys when I was younger.

Would you rather feel like you have to pee all the time or sneeze?
Both of those sound absolutely horrible, I guess I would have to pick sneeze since I have allergies anyway.

What accent can you imitate the best?

What shellfish would you rather be?
None of them

If you were in prehistoric times, what creature would you be most afraid of?
Any dinosaur

Do you know why the ocean isn't really blue?

Do you know the name of the doctor that delivered you?
I don't know, but if I asked my mom she would be able to tell me.

Where did you last ride a bike to?
I don't even remember the last time I rode a bike.  I would love to get one.

Have you ever been to a roller rink?

What is your favorite character in Spongebob?

What is your favorite Italian food?

Spell your name without any constanants.

What are your parent's middle names?
Margaret and Keith.

What did you make out of macaroni in grade school?
I know for a fact we made necklaces.  Maybe Christmas ornaments one time too?

Did you have a class pet in grade school?

Have you ever kissed a bad kisser?

Where's the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep?
I don't know.

When's the last time you wore a uniform?
When I worked at McDonald's.

Do you have any interest in taking an art class with a live nude model?
No, but that's because I suck at art.

Do you consider yourself a good driver?
I don't have a driver's license because driving makes me really anxious.

Who did you want to be like when you were younger?
I wanted to be a famous musician, like David Bowie.

Do you remember any movies/shows you were banned from watching as a child?
My mom used to hate when we watched Hey Arnold! because she heard someone calling Arnold stupid or something like that.  I also remember not being allowed to watch The X Files because it was too scary.  Bahah

Can you name any of the Supreme Court Justices?
Haha no

Where were you when you found out about 9/11?
On my way home from school, in the car with my mom.

Would you rather slaughter a chicken or eat bull testes?
I'll take the testes

Have you ever owned an aquarium?

When's the last time you went to the zoo?
Summer of 2018

What are you wearing that's green?

Do you think that kids under the age of 13 should have cell phones?
It depends on the circumstance.

Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a lion?


Do you have a dry erase board?

What do you remember most from last summer?
Going to Virginia Beach with my boyfriend for vacation, having a wave totally knock me over when I went to Ocean City with my mom, and going to Hersheypark

Where is the last place that you shopped?

What kind of shoes did you wear today?

Have you painted lately?

Which season has the best clothes?
I like winter clothes lol

Do you know about the many uses of coconut oil?

Do you watch Dr. Oz?

When was the last time you got balloons?
When my friend Leo came home from LA to visit

What color is your favorite purse?
Navy blue

What are your plans for tomorrow?
I am planning to get up at like 10:30, put the rest of my laundry away, straighten up, and then I work 3-1

How was your past Christmas?
It was actually the best Christmas I have had in a while.

Do you prefer the game Sorry or Trouble?
I haven't played either of those for years.

What color are the sheets on your bed?

Do you prefer pull-over sweatshirts or zip-ups?

Have you ever had quiche?

Have you ever had a conversation with a priest (etc.) outside of church?

Do you have a dreamcatcher in your room?

What do you order when you go to McDonald's?
McDouble, McChicken, fries, nuggets

What do you like to put in your coffee?
Cream and a little bit of sugar.  I do like black coffee but it kind of gives me heartburn

How often do you have to charge your phone?
I usually just charge it when I go to bed at night.

Do you have a song stuck in your head?

What makes a good movie to you?
Good storyline and acting.

Do you have any yellow shirts?

When was the last time you wrapped a present?

Do you normally win or lose at rock, paper, scissors?
I don't know

Do you like fruity pebbles?

Do you have any stuffed animals from when you were younger?

What is the craziest thing you've heard or seen on tv lately?
Kobe Bryant getting killed in that helicopter crash.

Have you ever hyperventilated?

What was your favorite book to read in English class?
I loved Great Expectations.

Do you wear scarves?

Are your nails painted?

Do you like to dress up?

Are you looking forward to anything in the next week?
No, just my days off work, like always.

Do you buy lottery tickets?

What is your favorite flavor of Gatorade?
I like pretty much any of them except for orange.

Do you think most people wear masks?

Do you tend to be judgemental?
I really try not to be.

What feature do you get complimented on most?
My hair or lips

What are you planning to do next?
More surveys maybe?  When my boyfriend gets home I am going to throw together something to eat for us
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