(no subject)

Jan 21, 2020 23:20

What's the last thing you had to drink?
Iced tea.

Would you rather wear a hoodie or a jacket?
A hoodie

Do you like jewelry?
Not really, I never wear it or anything.  I used to a lot when I was in high school.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I have four already.  I want to get another one soon.

How many letters are in your middle name?

What is your favorite color?

Have you and your best friend ever had a major fight?
I've had many fights with many friends.

What is your favorite season?

Do you wear chapstick?

What color shirt are you wearing?
It's purple and blue.

Did you sleep alone last night?

Are you looking forward to anything?
Summer coming and the weather getting warmer.  And my favorite, the sun not setting super early.

Do you remember who you liked this time last year?
My boyfriend.

When will/did you graduate?

Would you rather make surveys or take them?
Take them, though I used to make them too sometimes when I was younger.

Who did you last take a picture with?
I think Kacey, but I'm not sure.

Is there anyone you can go to day or night, that would always be there?
My mom

Do you have a significant other?

Are you okay with that?

How are you feeling?
Right now, not so great.  I got my period yesterday and I've been having cramps from that, and I also kind of have a headache.

What is your biggest fear?

Which is better: silver or gold?

Do you have a best friend?
Not really, just a bunch of close friends.

Would you rather watch a scary movie or romantic comedy?
Scary movie.

Do you plan your outfits?
I try to.  I need to start trying to do that more often

What is your favorite scent?
Ocean air

When did you last go to the mall?
Christmas time probably, I don't really go to the mall very often.  The mall near me sucks haha and I usually buy my clothes at the thrift store anyways.

Have you ever pranked called someone?
When I was a kid

Would you say you're a unique person?
Yes, everyone is unique in their own way.

What makes you different than others?
We all have our things that make us different from each other.

Have you ever been to a concert?
I've been to many

If so, who was it?
I have been to more than one concert.

What does your last text say?
"Not really, it's 11 and I don't really want to be up too late tonight"

Do you honestly hate anyone?

Who called you last?
My mom

Are you using a laptop or desktop?
A laptop.

What are you listening to?
I'm watching The Simpsons

Who did you last see in person?
My mom and brother.

Do you go to church?

Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I'm working.

Have you ever been depressed?
All the time lol

Or are you a generally happy person?
I wish I was.

Where is your mother?
She's at home sleeping.

Do you think you are a good friend?

Did ya like this survey? :D
It was fine.


Do you play minesweeper or solitare or anything to pass the time?
I play Candy Crush lol.

Do you believe in life after death?
No, I think I believe in reincarnation more than I believe in that.

What do you think of Oprah?
She seems cool

Do you write a lot of surveys or do you just take them?
Just take them

What's something you're really good at?

How big is your bedroom?
Not big at all.

Do you like to go bowling?
I do, but I'm not good at it or anything.

Do you usually remember your dreams?

Do you think they mean anything?
Maybe, but sometimes I think we just dream about what we think about during the day

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

Who was the last person to come to your house?

What's your birthstone? Do you have anything with it?
Peridot.  I used to, I don't think I do anymore.

Have you ever had carpal tunnel?

Are you one of those people who is really smart but has no common sense?

Do you think fast?
Not really.

What browser do you use?

Are you clumsy?

Paste the last thing you copied.
It would be this survey.

Have you ever eaten at Hooters?
One time, many years ago.

Do you like turtles?
I love them

Do you have to have goggles when you swim?

How long can you stay awake?
Oh I can be awake for a looong time, if you give me coffee.

Where were you going the first time you were on a plane?

Do you have a good memory?
Not really haha

Are you usually more blunt or polite?
I am honest.  Let's put it that way.

Does it take a long time to get to know you?

Is there a specific historical period that you're interested in?
The 20s are pretty interesting.

Tell me something funny that happened today.
Nothing really.

Do you know anyone with a really obnoxious laugh?
Yes, many people

Do you hold grudges?
I try not to.

How much was your allowance when you were a kid?
I never got an allowance.

Can you do push-ups?
Not many and not well.

I usually assume people online are girls. Do you do anything like that?

When you were growing up, did your family move around a lot?

Do you use public transportation?
I use Lyft sometimes, but I wouldn't necessarily consider that "public transportation"

What's your favorite punctuation mark?

Have you ever had surgery?
Nope, hopefully I won't ever have to.... knock on wood...

What's something you're really proud of?
I have been drinking significantly less.


What si your favorite color?

Who is better? Tom Cruise or Keeanu Reeves?
Keanu Reeves, for sure.  I can't stand Tom Cruise.

Which celebrity do people say you look like?
I've gotten Winona Ryder and Phoebe Cates the most.

If you had the opportunity to be anyone in the world for a week, who? Why?
A millionaire, because I would just love to live like that for a minute and see what it's like.

What position do u play? (in basketball)
I don't play basketball.

Do you read and believe your horoscope?
No to both.

Is gay marriage acceptable?
Of course it is.

If you were a flower what would you be?
A sunflower.

In the past 24 hours have you cried?

I wish that...
I fall into a windfall of cash soon.

Are you single?

Is it snowy/snowing outside?
No, I wish that it was.

Name 2 things you want for Christmas.
It's January... I don't want to think about Christmas until at least November.

whats your worse nightmare?
Worst nightmare?

Who is your best friend?
I have several close friends.

What is your horse's name?
I don't have a horse.

Why did you choose this survey?
I just clicked on a random one.

What are you wearing?

What color are your eyes?

Who was the last person you talked to?
In person, my mom and my brother.  Through text, Logan.

Do You Have A Job?
I do.

Who have you known the longest?
My family.

Your Favorite Hair Color?

Did you take this survey?
I am in the process of taking it now...

What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?
Boyshorts from Victoria's Secret

What is the most noticeable thing about you?
My hair I guess

Do you believe in ghosts?

How old Is You?

Favorite thing to do?
Sleep, play video games, hang out with my lizard, watch Youtube, watch movies, go to the beach

What song should have played when you were born?
I don't know.

Are you really friends with your friends or are you using them?
Why would I use them?

Interpol or Franz Ferdiand

What Time Is It Now

Favorite Class?
My favorite class when I was in school was English.

Do you own a gun?

Favorite band when you were young?
The Cure

What's your favorite genre of music?
Rock - I will keep it as broad as that.

whats the place you have come to fear the most?
I don't know...

Do you get depressed?
Yes, I think everyone does sometimes.

5 Favorite Athletes
I don't pay attention to sports


Do you prefer trackpants or jeans when you're going out in public?
I always wear leggings or some kind of pants that are comfortable.

Do you think deeply?
Yes, I overthink.

is there anybody you're trying to impress right now?

Do you consider kissing other people than your significant other cheating?

I smoke marijuana

whats your favorite show of wrestling

Do girls like boys who are musicians or athletes?
Everyone has their thing that they like.

Are you from the US of A?
I am.

What is your favorite TV show of all time?

Do you shave the knits of your sweaters?
No, I used to though, I had a thing for that.

what is you fav. beer?
I have a lot of favorite beers.

Three of God's greatest gifts to earth?
I don't know if I believe in God or not.

Ever eaten the deadly Pop Rock and soda combination?

we work our whole lives, and then what?
We die

What would u do IF i told u i liked u?
I don't know who you are.

Ur favorite name?
Don't have one

Have you ever used the same Halloween costume more than once?
I don't think so


Who is ur service provider?
For my phone?  AT&T

can you lick your nose

How much do you love me?
Again, not sure who you are

What's the average amount you spend on filling up your gas tank?
I don't have a car

Do you like surveys?

What are your initials?

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