How much is the tuition of the university you are attending or plan on attending? If you don’t plan on attending university, what is the tuition for the closest university in your town/city? not sure..
Who has/had the most mature romantic relationship you’ve seen with your own eyes? dana and matt, etc
When you’re in your most comfortable sleeping position, what do you look like? i'm on my side
Regarding an episode of My Strange Addiction, do you think that having a relationship with an inanimate object (namely a “sex doll”) is creepy & wrong? Why do you think that? If you don’t think that it is creepy/wrong, what is your take on the situation at hand? it seems odd, but if you're not hurting anyone..*shrugs*
When was the last time you got something for free (legally)? What was it & have you enjoyed it so far? recently. sure lol
What is the one fruit you can’t stand to eat? How about vegetable? grapefruit, asparagus
What do you believe to be the most boring question to ask someone or be asked? How often are you asked this said question? stuff about school, etc
When’s the last time you actually recited the pledge? If you aren’t American, do/did you have anything similar in your country that you do during a time at school? a long time ago
What is the best type of tea? How about coffee? i don't like either
What restaurant do you love that is either only found in your town/city or very few are around? the banks alehouse
What do you really think about where you live? it has its problems, but it's nice too
Your mom tells you she’s pregnant, you say? that's not possible..
When was the last time you actually wrote someone a letter? years ago
Have you kissed anyone in the past 27 days? no
Last person you shared food with? mom
Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? capris
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? yeah
Do you think before you speak? i try to
Last time you kissed someone? never
Have you ever punched anyone of the opposite sex in the face? no
What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? fudge
Is it easy for someone to make you smile/laugh? very
When was the last time you laid in bed with someone else? *shrugs*
What was the last thing you posted on Instagram? nothing
Do you consider yourself a nature person? sure
What kind of collection would you like to start? *shrugs*
What helps you take your mind off your problems? being busy
Who do you miss, if anyone? dana, etc
What do you miss, if anything? past vacations, etc
Do you prefer to live alone or live in a family? living alone is pretty cool lol
What states have you visited, that you remember? many..colorado, wisconsin, hawaii, maine, oklahoma, etc
What countries have you visited? england, spain, france, monaco, italy, the vatican, switzerland, the inside passage in canada..
What countries do you want to visit? iceland, antarctica, etc
What are five careers you’ve considered? glaciologist, historian, geologist, bookstore owner, botany
What’s your latest discovery? trivia?
What do you wish your hair looked like? i miss it long, even if it was hot..
Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? i'll probably always feel a little something when i think about him..
What’s one thing you’re behind on? housework
Do you clean your place often? not as often as i should lol
Who is the best looking male celebrity, in your opinion? orlando bloom, etc
Do you know anyone who has everything handed to them? maybe
Which Color Best Suits Your Personality
You have a fiery personality
You get angry easily
Red is your favorite color
Spicy food is your favorite
You’re a red-head
You like fire
You’re patriotic
You’ve had sex this week
Cherries or strawberries are your favorite fruit
You blush easily
Number: 2
You love tropical vacations
You put cheese on almost everything
Orange is your favorite color
You’re Irish
You watch Orange Is the New Black
You’ve been to prison
You’re a very cautious person
You’re from Florida
You’ve lost someone to Leukemia
Aquaman is your favorite superhero (one of them)
Number: 3.5
You’re blonde
You get scared easily
You love the sunshine
Summer is your favorite season
Yellow is your favorite color
You’re very loyal
Lemon is your favorite scent
You like to take things slowly
You don’t brush your teeth everyday
You have a lot of friends
Number: 3
You love money
You like to smoke weed
You get jealous easily
You’ve had absinthe
Your birthday is in May
Green is your favorite color
You’ve been in the army/are an Army brat
You love nature
Reptiles are your favorite animals
You’re always on the go
Number: 3
You love the ocean
You suffer from depression
You’re pretty good at staying calm
Blue is your favorite color
You enjoy studying the sky
You’re related to royalty (the plantagenets!)
Swimming is your favorite thing to do in the summer
You spend too much time on Facebook
People find you soothing
Blueberries are your favorite fruit
Number: 5.5
You get bruised easily
You’re not straight
Grape is your favorite fruit
Purple is your favorite color
You watched Barney as a kid
You use Instagram
You like eggplants
You’re loyal
Your birthday is in February
You have dark skin
Number: 3
You like your steaks rare
You’re very feminine
You’re in love
Pink is your favorite color
You shop at Victoria’s Secret
You own at least one Polo
You like to kiss
Mean Girls is your favorite movie
You like ham sandwiches
You’re very upbeat
Number: 1.5
You feel like an afterthought a lot
You’re classy
You’re middle class
You enjoy classical music
New Year’s Eve is your favorite holiday (one of them)
Silver is your favorite color
You save change
You like to build people up
You have a pet horse
You’re great at keeping your cool
Number: 4.5
You’re a show-off
You enjoy the finer things in life
Gold is your favorite color
You own your own car
You like getting attention
You listen to hip-hop
You wear a lot of jewelry
People borrow money from you a lot
You demand to come first in people’s lives
You own a lot of things with glitter
Number: 1.5
You’re very serious
You have a lot of tattoos
You’re obsessed with death
You listen to metal regularly
Black is your favorite color
You watch a lot of old movies
You wear a lot of eyeliner
Hot Topic is your favorite store in the mall
You buy things off Etsy
You can name at least one Edgar Allan Poe poem
Number: 1.5
You love snow
You’ve done cocaine
You expect to get whatever you want
White is your favorite color
You’re a virgin
You want a big wedding
You love to go sailing or skiing
You’re a very honest person
You’re pale
You like the simple things in life
Number: 5.5
You’re morally ambiguous
Elephants are your favorite animal
You’re older than 50
You have grey hairs
Grey is your favorite color
You love big cities
Thunderstorms are your favorite kind of weather
You cry often
You like to be different than the average person
You like to work with electronics
Number: 2.5
You’re very down to earth
You love outdoorsy activities
You don’t wash your hair every day
You enjoy eating nuts
Bread is your favorite food
Brown is your favorite color
You like to work with wood
You hate shaving
Dogs are your favorite animal
You like to go antiquing
Number: 4
You Are: blue and white
AIR: i have small hands • i love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • i’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me.
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • i am not afraid of adventure • i love to talk to strangers • i always try new food • i enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • i read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • i want to travel the world • i go to sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: i wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • i have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • i am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • i’m always listening to music • i am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: i go without makeup in my daily life • i make my own artwork • i keep on track of my task and time • I always know true north • i see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • i smile at everyone i pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • i can love unconditionally