Who remembers when was the last time I posted something here? *thinking face* No idea! Anyways, a few weeks over a month ago I did some photographing and it took those few weeks a month to actually edit these photos so I could post them, I'm just too tired and sick with migraine nowadays to do any editing daily.
I've kinda left LJ already but I still use it sometimes since I don't know where else to post my doll photos. Where do the rest of doll collectors post? Yeah yeah, instagram probably but I'm not interested in posting just one picture a time, I want to post stories and series of photos. I'm old school.
This blue moment is dedicated to my Peak's Woods sisters, who aren't sisters in my stories but who could be since they definitely share the same wibe. Lucretia is a Vampire romantic Dotty Muse in emerald green resin and Harmaja is Rosemii in bluegray resin. And Sihi is an Aileendoll Seed v.2 in light green.
So sleepy....
Harmaja: "Hmmm, I know what would cheer you up!"
Lucretia: "Cute, but I know a way he could be a bit more interesting..."
There's no beauty like Peaks Woods beauty! *_*
Sihi: "Hmmm, so which one of us is the real one? You or me?"