Mar 29, 2004 10:19
well i had a good weekend which is nice!
then just as i get home on sunday i find a very angry letter saying how crap i am and how much the bitch hates me ... so andy burnt the letter and then wrote her a nice drunk very drunk letter lol and so i would like to know how this is going to turn out . she says that if her money is not returnd to her by the end of the week then shes calling the cops... its TO LATE FOR THAT NOW BITCH !!! ITS GONE MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!!! lol shes 20 yrs old and i know 15yr that can take things better!!
well well i think thats all for this MONDAY !! who get this pissed off BY MONDAY !!!! ARHHHH lol nah im not that pissed off .. im just pissed at her
any who good night !