Jul 13, 2009 19:22
Please select which agency you would like to persecute:
A. Pro-Democracy
B. Environment
C. Three Gorges Dam Protest
D. Sichuan Earthquake Compensation
E. Uighurs
F. Other non-Han Chinese
G. Financial company making it more expensive to benefit the motherland
Please insert company name here...
Rio Tinto
Please insert person-to-be-persecuted's name here...
Stern Hu
WARNING! Executive is Asian! Would you like to trade financial concerns over that of perceived self-group identification based on ethnicity?
Please Select:
A. Espionage
B. Dissent
C. No reason
Thank you for using China Persecute-O-Matic 3000 Imperial Dragon Flower Golden Century Egg Edition. Your choices will be carried out in un-typically efficient Chinese governmental procedure.