Aug 14, 2008 09:24
Full name: Bernard Oxtenstierna/Sweden
Name they go by: Bernard, Sweden
Nicknames: Su-san (Tino)
Actual Age: Centuries
Physical Age: 21
Birthday: June 6th
Height: tall
Weight: normal
Medical Info: Really, really, really strong immune system. Walking embodiment of a culture from 15something. :|;
Animal features: Bear ears, senses, hindpaws, hair and claws.
Tattoo: left shoulder
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond, with meshes of brown fur
Physical traits: Wears an archaic cloak and vest 'n such. Has the most piercing gaze.
Alignment: Neutral
Sexuality: Probably gay
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Modern things are likely to confuse him, but it is pretty easy to explain things to him. If you are weird and actually break the 4th wall in Hetalia and tell him Finland won't be an underling in the relationship and they got a dog, he'll sink it in and be happy it lasted.
Abilities: He's very good with his hands (carpentry, cleaning fish, making glass etc), and excels in combat. He can see a stand. o_o
Notes for the Psychics: Is actually quite lonely and a little more sensitive than he probably lets on. Be creful though, his memories are nothing you want to be lost in and could date back to primitive Norsemen.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: He will be very offended at a shape-shift, but go ahead. A body-swap with him would be unsuccessful.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Depends on who you are. Will be pleasantly suprised if it is contact from friends, may accidentally bash your head i if he doesn't know you. Tino is a yes please. XD;
Maim/Murder/Death: Almost nil.
Cooking: Sure~
Anything else of note? Axis Powers Hetalia is a political cartoon series with handsome men who are caricatures of their countries.