a sudden grasp on reality

Feb 03, 2006 10:24

A sudden grasp on reality… on temporary. We wont have 85% of the people in our lives now, still in our lives in 5 years. In one very major way this is an incredibly depressing fact, in another aspect it is the most exciting and hopeful way to look at life. Why let temporary circumstance take away from the present? Why keep these people around if I am aware that they wont be there in a month… in a year… in a few years? They keep life fun, interesting, they make me wake up in the morning excited as to what might happen. Will they call? Will we meet up? Will I laugh? Will I cry? Those moments of euphoria, when you really don’t think life can get any better, those are the reasons why certain people remain in my life. At the same token, why do I let these same people determine how I feel? 9 out of 10 of the times, they make me feel life crap. They make me want to crawl into my bed and cry, go to the beach and scream at the top of my lungs. And for this reason I will not be sad the day they are no longer in my life. I will enjoy the ups as they come and shrug off the bads, because as sad as the notion may be, I will not be talking to these same people in the near future, and so they should have no impact on my life. And from now on, they wont. Its time to come to terms with the fact that as much I love certain people, it was inevitable for them to vanish just as suddenly as they appeared. I will always love them, and ALWAYS remember them.
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