(no subject)

Dec 24, 2011 23:44

It's Christmas Eve, which means, I survived working at retail during the Christmas shopping season. And I survived without crying or punching a customer in the face, although there were a couple of times where I nearly cried, usually after a customer yelled or swore at me because they were too fucking stupid to understand how lineups work, or because they couldn't follow the directions on the self-checkout machines. And something that I've noticed is that the dumber the customer is, the angrier they get.

There are three self-checkout machines and up to four cashiers (six, including the customer service desk). The lineup for the cashiers is one common line, with the first customer in line going up to whichever cashier is available, as is the lineup for the self-checkouts. To maximize the space we have, customers waiting for the cashiers have to navigate their way through a passage created by rope dividers (like shit passing through the intestines). Yeah, when there aren't many people in line, it is a bit of a pain in the ass to walk through that "fucking maze", as one customer yelled, but DEAL WITH IT.

And see all those people waiting in line? That means that you have to wait your turn. Didn't see the lineup and walked right up to a cashier or self-checkout? No problem, as long as you calmly walk to the back of the line when I tell you there is a lineup. What is a problem is when you start freaking out about having to wait in line. And why the surprise that there is a lineup for the self-checkouts? Yes, I do find it a bit surprising that so many people use the self-checkouts considering the amount of bitching about the self-checkouts and the lineup for the cashiers goes by so much quicker (really, why would you think that three people of varying mental capacities trying to use machines would be quicker than four highly trained cashiers?), but it's not ridiculous to think that there might be people waiting to use it. Also, it's fucking rude to hover two inches away from someone who is using the machine and typing in their PIN, while waiting for the machine to be free. Just step the fuck away when I tell you to without having a tantrum, please.

The lineup for the self-checkouts is beside the lineup for the cashiers, and both lines are marked with signs. However, the signs require reading. You know, that thing you do when you see words and your brain interprets those words into something meaningful? Having worked in retail, I know that reading can be tricky, so it's inevitable that tons of people who want a cashier wait in the wrong lineup. No problem, as long as you either use the self-checkout when it's your turn (and I'll even help you!), or move to the back of the line for the cashiers, without spazzing. It's when you have a fit that there is a problem. Also, because I understand that when the lineup is really long (as it was during the majority of the past week) that people at the very back may not be able to see the signs, I will ask people if they are waiting for the self-checkouts or the cashiers. So when I ask you and you say that you are waiting for the self-checkout or you don't say anything, don't have a fucking fit when it's finally your turn and you don't want to use the self-checkout. My words, they have meaning.

And for the love of god, if you can not or will not follow directions, for whatever reason--you're illiterate, stupid, preoccupied, whatever--then do not use the self-checkout machines If you are unsure of how to use the machines and would like some assistance, that's cool, that's what I'm here for. But if you can not follow directions given by me or the machine (which requires that tricky reading thing, as well as that listening thing), then do not use the self-checkouts! I do not mind helping customers and answering questions, but please, listen to what I'm saying and follow directions! I am so goddamn sick of telling people how to lineup and to put the item on the scale after scanning. Goddamn, I feel as if I am dealing with a bunch of brain damaged hamsters, with the way the customers won't lineup and follow directions . Sometimes, I just can not catch a breath, as I am constantly telling people things that I should not have to be telling them. How I wish that I could put up a sign saying, "Put the items on the fucking scale, you moron!" Although they probably wouldn't read it anyway.

And while we're talking about following directions and using the self-checkouts, if your [Visa or MasterCard] has a chip, insert the fucking thing, don't swipe it! If you accidentally swipe it one time and then realize your mistake, cool. But why continue swiping it over and over again, despite the machine telling you to insert the chip? No, the machine is not broken; you're just a moron.

And one last thing: if I am helping another customer, wait two fucking seconds until I am done and DO NOT INTERRUPT ME! I am happy to answer your question, no matter how stupid or annoying it is, but please wait. Seriously, how goddamn difficult is it to WAIT until I am done helping another customer?!

customers, rant (2)

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