Proof that sexuality is *not* a choice

Sep 07, 2010 22:46


1. Guys don't approach women they are interested in/find attractive and attempt engaging her in conversation. Either they yell obscenities as they pass by (I don't even understand the point of this), or they swagger up, usually with baggy jeans, a sideways baseball cap, and a gold chain or two, and say, "Yo, 'sup?" How about asking her a question, in order to engage her in conversation?

Examples: "Ugh, don't you hate waiting for the bus?" or "What's your major?" are easy, albeit sort of lame, questions for transit users and university students. And if you're really stumped, say something about the weather! Weak, but it's better than nothing! Much better than "Yo, 'sup?", unless the desired response from the girl is, "Nothing."

2. When a decent woman contacts you on a dating site (or if you contact her), and there is mutual attraction and interest (which is a rare thing, considering the losers online), don't bail on her when she suggests meeting up or disappear after a few emails. Seriously, why do guys do this? Are they too busy raiding? Are they afraid of meeting a Real Life Girl? What?! If you are not interested in meeting a girl in Real Life, don't post personal ads or go on online dating sites! Just stick with your porn.

3. Stop flagging women's ads on Craigslist. Because I am a big fucking loser Frustrated with trying to meet guys in real life or on a more respected site, I post ads on Craigslist from time to time. I posted one tonight, and it was flagged within five minutes. Maybe if guys stopped flagging every ad that is more than ten words long or doesn't say "I WANT 2 SUCK UR COCK", they could actually find a decent woman (or "a decent women", as many of them state), a common complaint amongst men. You know why there aren't decent women on the site? Because our ads are flagged! I just don't get it! Are men afraid of intelligent, attractive women?

4. If the woman isn't interested in you, have a little dignity. No need to call her names or harass her. Grow up, asshole. It's not that difficult to figure out why you can't get laid. This is another reason why there aren't any decent women; they were fed-up with all the insults and abuse.

5. Stop being disgusting. Can someone please explain why men are so quick to send a photo of their penis? Really, we women aren't as stupid as you are; we will be able to figure out that you want sex, even if you don't send a photo of your penis, really! My theory is that men are visual, that they like looking at boobs and orifices, so they assume that women are turned on by looking at some anonymous stranger's junk. Maybe some women are, but for the most part, women do not want to see a photo of your penis! How fucking difficult is this to understand?! Just as difficult to understand how to use apostrophes, probably--very.

online dating, rant (2), guys are fucking douchebags

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