Feb 11, 2010 00:17

This week has been brutal! (I am so looking forward to being in Hawaii for the next two weeks!) This week I will have had two midterms (one was on Monday, the other one is tomorrow) and a lab report due. The lab report is due tomorrow (so unfortunately I haven't been able to study as much as I would have liked for my second midterm), and about half an hour ago, I finished it. I went to print it, and of course my printer, which was working just fine yesterday, decides to stop working! It's not the end of the world--I can print it at school tomorrow, but still. I just don't need the fucking hassle! Why can't things just go right for once?!

And today I had a lab. I was careful and didn't fuck up, yet, despite following protocol and everything seemingly going smoothly, I got a really low yield of plasmid DNA that I didn't have enough to do the last part of the lab! I'm not going to get marks off for it or anything like that, but I was so pissed off, because I try so damn hard, and nothing ever goes right! (I swear so much during the labs...) I exclaimed to my friend, "PMSing and low plasmid yield is not a good combination!" She thought that was hilarious. Only a micro student would say that...

Goddamn it, I need sex.

micb, school (2)

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