(no subject)

Dec 13, 2009 18:53

Tomorrow morning at 8:30am *I really hope the snow doesn't fuck up my commute* I have my immunology final exam. I'm really nervous about it because I didn't do too well on the midterm despite studying my ass off, and the final exam is going to be harder, because the professor who teaches the last half of the course expects us to memorize every single fucking transcription factor, interleukin, and cytokine involved in the immune system. Anyway, the exam is going to be difficult because of all the memorization of small detail required, and the time constraint. But, in addition to having to know every single fucking little detail about the immune system, and regurgitating it in 2.5 hours, we have this stupid research question we have to do!

At the beginning of the semester, we were given a course syllabus that outlined the grade distribution. In addition to a midterm and a final exam, there was a research assignment worth 10% of our grade. We had to read two articles from scientific journals (we were given a list of articles we could choose from), and in-class, two days before the midterm, summarize the articles and describe why the research is important, among other things. We were not allowed to bring in the articles or any notes, but we were allowed to prepare ahead of time and practice writing our assignment. Even though we were given nearly two months' notice for this assignment, nearly everyone left it until a week before we had to do it, because we were so busy will our other classes and weekly lab reports. But leaving it until the last moment was our fault, but in the end, it wasn't that bad.

Then a couple of weeks ago, several weeks after lecturing, the professor teaching the second half of the course tells us that 10% of our final exam grade will consist of summarizing a research article! Just fucking great! So instead of spending time studying, we have to waste our fucking time reading, understanding, and memorizing a fucking research article! And, we have to write about it during the exam! I haven't even started on the fucking research article, because I've been using my time to study (not that I got a lot of notice). Also, the choices he gave us were horrible, and the articles are so boring and difficult to understand (at least there were some decent choices for the midterm). I just don't see the fucking point of this! Why make us do something that we've already done?! It's just a waste of our time, and does nothing to help us understand immunology, nor demonstrate that we know the material.

I'm so tempted to just not even read an article at all and attempt to do it, even though it is worth 10% of our final exam mark. Even if I do manage to read an article tonight and understand it, I probably won't have any time during the exam to do it, and I'm going to focus in answering the exam questions first, and only once I have completed all the questions, will I even attempt to do the fucking article. My friend and I are so pissed off, because writing about an article during the final exam is the most retarded idea ever! WTF?! Well, I better finish reviewing the mucosal immune system.

rant (2), school (2)

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