Books I have read: 2009

Jul 17, 2009 22:50

All my life I've been an avid reader (when you don't have any friends, there's not much else to do), however, since I started school in 2006, the number of books I've read has become quite pathetic, and every year, that number goes down. I really want to try and read books on a more regular basis, even if it's just one or two a month. But I'm so busy with school, and when I do have some time, I'm too tired. Also, I've become a really slow reader. Between November 2008 and May 2009, I didn't read any books, the longest I have ever gone without reading a book, although I did start a couple, but never finished them.

(Year-to-date totals: books, 12; pages, 3600)

May (total books: 2, total pages: 835)

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (415 pages)
Men are disgusting douchebags.

All That Matters by Wayson Choy (420 pages)
I read The Jade Peony years ago, and had All That Matters lying around, so decided to finally read it. I don't remember anything about The Jade Peony, but I do recall that I didn't find it that interesting. However, I found All That Matters quite engaging.

June (total books: 2, total pages: 475)

Microcosm by Carl Zimmer (199 pages)
I am such a nerd!

Prisoner of Tehran by Marina Nemat (276 pages)

July (total books: 2, total pages: 501)

Killer Germs: Microbes and Diseases that Threaten Humanity by Barry and David Zimmerman (229 pages)
Disappointing. There were some interesting bits, but it's always annoying reading science books that are meant for people with little or no science background.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey (272 pages)

August (total books: 2, total pages: 571)

The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells (280 pages)

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (291 pages)
In the end, the Martians are killed by bacteria, because they have no immunity against the organisms. And this is why a degree in Microbiology and Immunology interests me--bacteria are such amazing creatures.

September (total books: 1, total pages: 321)

The Forbidden Daughter by Shobhan Bantwal (321 pages)

October (total books: 1, total pages: 244)

The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks (244 pages)
An interesting and bizarre book.

November (total books: 1, total pages: 152)

Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code by Stephen Skinner (152 pages)
This was more of a coffee table book, not a novel.

December (total books: 1, total pages: 501)

The Crow Road by Iain Banks (501 pages)
I've heard that Banks is a good author, and I enjoyed The Wasp Factory, so picked up The Crow Road. However, I was disappointed with this book. It dragged on way too long, and while there was a plot twist at the end, it wasn't that shocking to warrant the 400 pages it took to get to it. And the ending was annoying.


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